Children’s Yoga Party

Join us for a ghostly, witchy post Halloween Yoga Party on Sat., Nov. 2 at 10:30am! We’ll have Halloween themed yoga poses, a simple sticker craft and a fun Halloween story. Costumes are encouraged as long as your child will feel comfortable moving in it. Alternative clothing options could include a t-shirt and leggings/shorts with Halloween themed colors. This spooky class is designed for children K through grade 2. No registration is needed, just drop in!

Kids Builders Club

From Legos to Knex to popsicle sticks and toothpicks, the Rathbun’s Kids Builders Club will learn how to build with a variety of materials. Come relax and free build as you chat with friends. Or, try to complete one of our building challenges. No registration required, just drop in on Monday, November 4 from 4-5pm! Recommended for ages 5-12

Homeschool Hangout

Calling all homeschoolers! Join us for our new Homeschool Hangout program on Wed., Nov. 6 at 11am at EHFPL and Mon., Nov. 25 at 1pm at Rathbun. Each session we will explore a different subject, such as art, STEM, nature, etc. We will also have fun games and simple crafts! All ages are welcome! Note: Activities may vary in complexity depending on participants’ ages.

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