Homeschool Hangout

Calling all homeschoolers! Join us for our Homeschool Hangout program on Wed., Jan. 8 at 11am at EHFPL and Mon., Jan. 13 at 1pm at Rathbun. Each session we will explore a different subject, such as art, STEM, nature, etc. We will also have fun games and simple crafts! All ages are welcome! Note: Activities may vary in complexity depending on participants’ ages.

Fables & Fun Storytime

Join us at EHFPL on January 8, 15 & 22 at 10:30am, for fun activities, bubbles and crafts. No registration required, just drop in! Activities aimed at ages 2-5, but friends that are older/younger are always welcome to participate!

Art Explorers

Explore the world of art with us on Tuesday, January 7 & 21 at 11:30 at Rathbun! From fun crafts to different art styles, we’ll try a new fun art project each month. In session 1, we will be making Paper Snowflakes. In session 2, we will be making a Penguin Craft. Supplies will be provided, there’s no registration required. Recommended for ages 3-5.

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