Homeschool Hangout

Calling all homeschoolers! Join us for our Homeschool Hangout program on Wed., Jan. 8 at 11am at EHFPL and Mon., Jan. 13 at 1pm at Rathbun. Each session we will explore a different subject, such as art, STEM, nature, etc. We will also have fun games and simple crafts! All ages are welcome! Note: Activities may vary in complexity depending on participants’ ages.

Enchanted Fiction

Calling all teen bookworms! Join us at EHFPL on Wednesday, January 8 from 4-5pm for Enchanted Fiction, a book club for teens in grades 7-12. We’ll chose a new book each month, exploring a variety of young adult and middle grade fiction. Our first book will be The Ghosts of Spruce Point by Nancy Tandon. Sponsored by the EHLS’s Teen Advisory Board.

Awesome Hour

Long week at school? Take a break at EHFPL on Friday, December 20 from 5-7pm at Awesome Hour, an hour so awesome it lasts for two! Teens in 6th-12th grade are invited to come and relax with games, food, and fun. The library’s movie projector will be at your disposal to do whatever you want with. Play video games, watch TV shows, trade YouTube clips, whatever! Think of it as your reward for making it through the week.

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